Metallic compounds

Product list

Ise Chemicals constantly carries out research and development to meet customers’ needs.
Together with daily advances in technology, we are also achieving innovation in the metallic compounds we produce.

Nickel chloride NiCl2・6H2O

Ceramic capacitor raw materials
Electroplating assistants, pigments, and reagents

Nickel chloride is used as a raw material for ceramic capacitors, hundreds of which are used inside smartphones, PCs, and other devices.

Cobalt chloride CoCl2・6H2O

Electroplating assistants, catalysts, pigments, and reagents

Often used as an electroplating assistant, and also used in catalysts and pharmaceuticals, among others.

Cobalt hydroxide Co(OH)2

Metallic soaps, catalysts, pigments, and reagents

Used as a raw material for metallic soaps, catalysts, and pigments.

Tricobalt tetraoxide Co3O4

Raw material for lithium-ion battery cathode, pigment, and reagent

Most stable cobalt oxide. Often used as raw material for lithium-ion battery cathodes.